
Rabu, 21 November 2012

On Books - Step by Step Veg Patch

Hello people. I'm in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah since yesterday for an official meeting today at 2pm. I have nothing to do this morning. Since my hotel where I am staying is an annexe to a shopping mall here, I went out for a window shopping. My supposedly brief window shopping end up with me buying this book.
It is not common for us here in Malaysia to find at least one informative gardening or horticultural book. I prefer books full with illustrations and photos.
This book written by Lucy Halsall caught my attention. It has lots of pictures and illustration giving you step by step information on how to grow food. It is a publication from DK.
What made me buy this book is not solely because of the appearance but it also featuring crops that are possible to be grown in tropical climate. It does not says it literally but principally it could happen. There are tomatoes, chilies, pumpkin, cabbage and also carrots among all. These crops can be grown here but pf course in different varieties.
Here are some of the snapshots of the book. The book cost me RM127.55.

posted from Bloggeroid

3 ulasan:

  1. Salam wanie...the book looks nice...somehow so expensive yer..luckily got some thick gardening books sent by an old couple from canada..pun tak larat nak baca lagi...

    1. Salam ummu... Memang mahal pun. Tak tertelan air liur nak bayar tp sbb nak sgt beli juga. Mungkin sbb setiap muka bergambar warna... Lgpun kalau beli buku dpt tax exemption. Kat sini buku mahal sbb orang x minat beli buku. Kat luar negara murah sbb letak murah pun still dpt buat profit sbb ramai membeli...

  2. Tak apa puan. 7 Disember ni akan ada jualan murah buku Big Bad Wolf. Saya pergi tahun lepas dan alhamdulillah sempat memiliki beberapa buah berkebun berkualiti dengan harga murah.

    Sebenarnya ada buku berkebun (gardening) yang bermaklumat di Malaysia. Kebanyakannya terbitan MARDI. Tapi target mereka lebih kepada pekebun dan pelajar. Jarang saya baca untuk penggemar tanam sendiri. Yang pasti saya amat tidak akan beli buku terbitan Synergi Media.

    Nanti boleh la puan kongsikan bersama di blog ini. Teringin saya mengetahui isinya juga.
